Exhibitions 2023
December 11 - 17 | Light and Shadow, jurors Zsolt Bátori and Borbála Jász, PH21 Gallery at Valid World Hall Gallery, Barcelona, Spain | View

Greenhouse Shadows, Akureyri, Iceland

Table and Shadows, Monterey, California, USA
December 1 - 22 | Water, juror Laura Moya, PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, Vermont | View
Pond Grasses, Oshino Hakkai, Japan and Breakthrough, Eyjafjörður, Iceland
October 27 - December 7 | Portal, juror Crista Dix, A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas | View
Deluxe Birdhouse, Akureyri, Iceland
September 14 - November 14 | Personal Territory: Annual Members Exhibition, juror Andi Campognone, Los Angeles Center of Photography, Los Angeles, California| View
City Scenery, Reykjavík, Iceland
September 7 | 2023 Members Show: Balance, Blue Sky/Oregon Center for the Photographic Arts, Portland, Oregon | View | Video
Poles and Lantern, Kyoto, Japan
August 5 - 27 | The Natural and the Artificial, jurors Zsolt Bátori and Borbála Jász, PH21 Gallery at Pros Arts/ART150 Gallery, Jersey City, New Jersey | View
Between Gardens, Levens Hall, England
May 5 - 26 | Architecture '23, juror Michael Pannier, SE Center for Photography, Greenville, South Carolina | View1 | View2
Interior Abstraction, Reykjavík, Iceland·
May 4 - 27 | Urban, jurors Zsolt Bátori and Borbála Jász, Honorable Mention*, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary | View1 | View2
*Black and White Dress, Paris, France

Mirrors and Chandeliers, Toulouse, France
April 21 - May 26 | Art in B&W, Bronze Award*, 3 Square Art, Fort Collins, Colorado | View1 | View2 | Review
*Table and Shadows, Monterey, California, USA
City Scenery, Reykjavík, Iceland
April 20 - May 12 | 9th International Call for Contemporary Photography, juror Paula Tognarelli, RI Center for Photographic Arts, Providence, Rhode Island | View
Engulfed Lamp, Montreal, Canada

April 10 - May 11 | Concepts 2023 - Abstraction: Envisioning a Different World, juror Veronica Hogan, Atlanta Photography Group, Atlanta, Georgia | View

Glass and Light 2
March 20 - 27 | Scene and Meaning: the art of photography, jurors Zsolt Bátori and Borbála Jász, PH21 Gallery/Valid World Hall Gallery, Barcelona, Spain | View1 | View2

Glass and Light 10, Glass and Light 11

March 9 - April 1 | 18th National Photography Exhibition, juror Alex Ferrone, Honorable Mention, fotofoto Gallery, Huntington, New York | View1 | View2 | Video

Lanterns in Trees, Montreal, Canada

February 6 - March 11 | Choice 2023, curator Crista Dix, Atlanta Photography Group, Atlanta, Georgia | View1 | View2

Curtain with Flowers, Heimaey, Iceland
February 1 - 20 | Black and White: 2023, online, juror Todd Johnson, Black Box Gallery, Portland, Oregon | View

Palace Shadows, Lisbon, Portugal